Elisa Santucci

Elisa is a lawyer specialized in Intellectual Property since 1992. She graduated in law from Universidade Católica de Petropolis in 1988, earned a Master of Laws in International Law from Tulane University, Louisiana, USA in 1990, finishing her course with a thesis entitled “Arbitration in Brazil”.

Shortly after returning from her LL.M., Elisa was hired to start her professional career at the renowned firm specializing in intellectual property Momsen, Leonardos & Cia. After nine years in Momsen, Elisa remained for seven years at Clarke Modet & Co. and then joined Bhering Advogados for a year, both IP specialized firms. She finally experienced what is known as in-house practice, having been hired by the Swiss multinational Syngenta as Intellectual Property Manager for Latin America – in São Paulo – where she remained for another year.

When she went back to Rio, she thought it was time to start her own IP boutique, what happened at the end of 2009.

Besides being an Intellectual Property Agent accredited by the Brazilian PTO, Elisa is a member of the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI), Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI), where she currently holds the position of Director-Secretary, and member of the International Trademark Association (INTA) having participated on the Regulatory Analysis, Geographical Indications and Courts & Tribunals committees. At present, she contributes with the Law Firm Committee, dedicated to consider the interests of IP law firms when establishing the matters for discussion.

For five years, Elisa has served as coordinator and professor of the IP Intermediate Course sponsored by ABAPI. In 2002 and 2003 she was a speaker of the LILA – Licensing Seminar in Latin America, which takes place every year in Miami. From 2002 to 2005, Elisa was a speaker at the Course “Strategic Management of Patents and Trademarks for the Pharmaceutical Industry” in Sao Paulo.

Elisa is fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish and has published articles in Brazil and abroad.